Laser skin revitalisation rejuvenates the skin and reduces lines, wrinkles, blemishes and acne scarring on the face and body.

At The Dental Spa, we specialise in laser skin rejuvenation treatments in Jersey. Our state-of-the-art procedure is designed to enhance your skin's appearance, targeting concerns like uneven skin tone, scarring, fine lines, and more. This treatment is suitable for various areas, notably revitalising facial skin

Our laser skin rejuvenation process is non-invasive and tailored to suit your individual skin needs. It works by gently removing the outer layer of damaged skin, encouraging the growth of new, healthy skin cells and stimulating collagen production. The result is smoother, firmer, and more youthful-looking skin.

After undergoing our laser skin rejuvenation, you'll notice a natural but noticeable improvement in your skin's texture and appearance. You'll still look like yourself, just with a fresher, more revitalised complexion

What is Laser Skin Revitalisation?

Laser skin revitalisation is a modern way to improve your skin's look using laser technology. It's excellent for treating a variety of skin conditions and concerns like:

  • Pigmentation

  • Sun damage 

  • Uneven skin tone

  • Scarring

  • Acne and acne scarring

  • The effects of ageing, like fine lines and wrinkles

  • Stretch marks 

This rejuvenation treatment, known as skin resurfacing, uses a laser that sends focused light onto the skin. This light gently removes the top layer of skin, which often has the most damage. By doing this, the laser helps new, healthier skin cells to grow. This new skin is usually smoother and more even in tone and will improve the appearance of any imperfections. The treatment also boosts and stimulates the production of new collagen and elastin, which keeps skin firm and youthful.

Treatment Areas 

Laser skin revitalisation can be used on various parts of the body to enhance skin appearance but is particularly effective on the face, neck, and hands. These areas often have the most problems, show signs of ageing or sun damage more than others, and can improve skin texture and appearance. 

This skin treatment is also great for the chest area, helping to reduce visible signs of ageing and sun exposure, making it a versatile choice for those looking for skin rejuvenation.

The Cynosure Elite+ 

At The Dental Spa, we're committed to providing you with the best laser treatments, which is why we use the Cynosure Elite+. This state-of-the-art laser is non-invasive and combines the power of two types of infrared non-ablative lasers. This dual laser system allows us to customise treatments to your specific skin type, ensuring optimal results whether you have lighter or darker skin.

The Cynosure Elite+ is not just for laser hair removal. It's also highly effective in treating skin issues like visible veins and pigmentation. It's designed to treat large areas quickly and with minimal discomfort. 

What to Expect 

Before your treatment, you'll have a consultation with your practitioner. They will explain the procedure and discuss your goals to make sure laser skin revitalisation is the best option for you. 

During your laser skin rejuvenation treatment at The Dental Spa, your comfort is our priority. The process begins with thoroughly cleansing the targeted area to prepare your skin. This initial step ensures the skin is clean and ready for the laser treatment. Your laser skin revitalisation treatment might feel like a quick, light snap against your skin, and most people have little discomfort. Depending on the treatment area, the session typically lasts 30 minutes to an hour. After treatment, some might experience brief redness or warmth in the treated area, but this usually fades quickly.

After Your Laser Skin Revitalisation Treatment

After just one treatment, some immediate improvements will be noticeable. However, the full effects usually become more visible as your skin heals and new collagen forms. With a laser skin rejuvenation treatment, there's hardly any recovery time required so you can return to your everyday life immediately. 

After your treatment, remember to follow the aftercare advice from your practitioner, as this often includes using sunscreen and avoiding certain skincare products temporarily. These steps ensure the best possible results.

How many treatments are necessary for laser skin revitalisation?

An average of 3 to 6 treatments is typically recommended for effective laser skin revitalisation. These treatments are usually spaced about a month apart to achieve the best results. However, each patient's needs are unique, so our trained staff will tailor the exact number of sessions according to your specific condition.

After the first session, you might notice subtle improvements. With each additional laser resurfacing treatment, these changes become more evident and consistent. The benefits of the treatments tend to grow more intense with the number of sessions you receive.

Since collagen production continues long after each treatment, most patients see ongoing benefits for some time, even after completing their series of treatments. 

When is the best time of year for laser skin resurfacing treatment?

The best time for laser skin rejuvenation is typically in the fall or winter. These seasons offer less intense sunlight, reducing the risk of sun exposure to your sensitive skin post-treatment. Protecting and healing your skin is easier when there's less risk of direct sun damage.

Laser Skin Rejuvenation in Jersey

Ready to rejuvenate your skin? At The Dental Spa, we're here to help you achieve healthier, younger-looking skin with our laser skin rejuvenation treatments. Our expert team are dedicated to providing personalised care tailored to your specific needs. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and take the first step towards radiant, revitalised skin.


The Dental Spa

11 David Place

St Helier

Jersey JE2 4TD