Say goodbye to your fungal nail infection with our safe and effective laser treatment at The Dental Spa in Jersey.

Fungal nail treatment is your solution to an often persistent and unsightly problem. Our treatment targets this stubborn issue using advanced laser technology, offering an alternative to traditional methods. With the primary goal of removing the infection, our approach focuses not only on improving the appearance of your nails but also on preventing recurrence, ensuring long-term relief and confidence in your nail health.

Symptoms of Fungal Nail Infections

Fungal nail infections, commonly found in athletes or individuals frequently exposed to damp conditions, start as a cosmetic issue but can eventually lead to discomfort and abnormal nail growth.

Symptoms of nail fungus include a nail or nails that are:

  • Thickened

  • Discoloured

  • Brittle, crumbly or ragged

  • Misshapen

  • Separated from the nail bed

  • Smelly

What is Fungal Nail Treatment?

Our fungal nail treatment uses laser technology to effectively combat fungal nail infections. The Cynosure Elite+ is the most effective laser on the market, offering treatments for smooth and healthy skin with consistent and exceptional results. 

This advanced approach involves using specific wavelengths of light to target and destroy the fungus residing in and under the nail plate without harming the surrounding tissue. The laser treatment is designed to penetrate the nail, reaching the fungus at its source, offering a higher success rate compared to topical treatments. It's a swift, non-invasive procedure that requires no downtime, making it an ideal choice for those seeking an effective solution to this common problem.

Our fungal nail treatment is versatile and can be applied to both fingernails and toenails affected by fungal infections. The treatment is precise and tailored to each individual, ensuring effective results regardless of the area being treated.

Who is Fungal Nail Treatment Suitable for?

Fungal nail treatment is suitable for almost anyone suffering from fungal nail infections and is particularly beneficial for individuals with a history of recurring fungal infections. It's important to note that this treatment is most effective for those who have not seen results with traditional methods and are looking for a more advanced solution.

Laser Treatment for Fungal Nails: What To Expect

At your initial consultation at The Dental Spa, our practitioners will thoroughly explain the laser treatment for fungal nails and discuss your specific goals to ensure it's the right option for you. 

The number of sessions required varies, but multiple treatments spaced a few weeks apart are typically needed for the best results. The exact number depends on the severity of the infection and response to the treatment.

Before Your Treatment

The fingers or toes being treated cannot be exposed to the sun or sunbed. For 1064 nm wavelength treatment, avoid sun/sunbed and UV light exposure for 4 weeks prior, during, and four weeks after treatment.

You should remove or cover any jewellery (including toe rings), remove nail polish and clean toes/fingers before attending for treatment. Shave the treatment area if there is excessive hair.

The nail should be filed down as thinly as possible and cut down as close as possible, ideally at least 2 days before the laser procedure (so that the laser can penetrate through the nail to the infected nail bed more efficiently). The nails will cut better if they soak their feet in saline solution for 30 minutes before cutting them.

During Your Treatment

During the treatment, you'll experience a procedure that is both quick and minimally discomforting. Most patients describe the sensation as a mild warmth or tingling. 

The duration of the treatment varies depending on the severity and number of nails affected but generally is a relatively quick process. Our team prioritises your comfort, employing techniques to minimise any discomfort and ensure a smooth, stress-free experience.

After Your Treatment

Post-treatment care is straightforward. You may return to your daily routine immediately, with no need for downtime. However, some basic aftercare measures are recommended, such as keeping the treated area clean and avoiding certain nail products for a brief period. Your practitioner will advise you on specific aftercare instructions based on your treatment area and the severity of the condition.

Fungal Nail Treatment in Jersey

At The Dental Spa, we are committed to helping you achieve your aesthetic and health goals. Our team is ready to assist you in your journey to healthy, infection-free nails. Contact us to discuss your fungal nail concerns and discover how our laser treatment can provide you with the relief and results you seek.


The Dental Spa

11 David Place

St Helier

Jersey JE2 4TD